I can usually be found sipping an iced vanilla latte editing photos at my favorite coffee shop. I have to limit myself to one coffee a day.

I can be summed up with my love for people. I'm a crazy extrovert. I love getting to know my clients personally, whether it's sharing a box of macarons or grabbing tacos after a session. You will feel loved, your special day will be honored and I will care for you like family.

So what do ya say, can we be friends?



Kaylin says

"She has such a talent behind the lens and a great eye for composition, we can’t recommend her enough."

I'm lucky enough to have two adorable dogs. Millie is a three year old mini aussie and pomsky mix. Gwen is a one year old pomsky. My house is full of high energy and good vibes. I wouldn't trade my crazy little family for anything.

my crew


inquire now!

think we're a good fit?

I studied graphic design in college. One of the class requirements was a photography course. It was largely focused on landscapes and college sports games. I had a friend ask me to take her senior pictures and immediately I knew I loved photographing people. It was so fun to watch her put her guard down and be able to photograph the essence of who she is. That same year I had a friend ask me to capture her wedding, I guess you could say the rest is history. I've been shooting weddings ever since. 

it all started


Number of alive plants in my apartment.


Number of times I've been outside the country.


Number of dogs I'd have if my apartment allowed it.


Average number of hours spent staring at my computer each week.


Number of years I've spent doing what I love and documenting your stories.


yours truly

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